All Library Users

Library Cards

With the addition of a library barcode on the back, the picture ID card issued to Wayne Community College (WCC) students, faculty, and staff serves as an Erwin Library card.

All WCC faculty and staff members, whether part-time or full-time, must have a WCC picture ID made by the Student Activities Office to which the Library barcode may be affixed.

For students, a current semester sticker must also appear on the ID card, available upon proof of payment of fees from the Student Activities office on the first floor of the Wayne Learning Center (WLC 145) where ID’s are originally made.

Other WCC patrons who live or work in Wayne County will be issued a generic blue plastic Erwin Library card with a barcode sticker affixed to it, but must present some form of current, valid picture ID such as a N.C. Driver’s License, before the card can be issued.  If this library card is lost, the patron may re-register for a new generic blue plastic Erwin Library card at the Circulation Desk and present a valid picture ID such as a N.C. Driver’s License before the replacement card can be issued.

Current WCC students, faculty and staff who have a valid WCC ID card should apply for an Erwin Library card using the online Library Card Application form.

Once the applicant’s WCC Student or Employee name and number are verified, he will immediately be sent an email with his new Erwin Library barcode number, and the barcode sticker will be sent to him by surface mail to affix to his WCC ID card.

Please note that college account verifications can only be done during the library’s regular hours of operation, so online library card applications received on a holiday, or after college closing time on Fridays cannot be processed until the next business day.

An applicant who does not have a WCC ID card will need to come into the Erwin Library and present another valid picture ID card to register in person to use the library’s resources.

A third party may present an absent Erwin Library patron’s card to check out materials for the absent patron, but the patron whose card is used will have full responsibility for the good condition and return of the items.


Thirty-two computers are available for use by patrons with a WCC Username. All library computer workstations have Microsoft Office 365 and flash drives.  Faculty requested specialized program software is loaded by WCC IT staff on selected workstations.  Another fifteen networked laptops are available for in-library use only with a WCC Library Card.

Library users who do not have a WCC Username may request a temporary Guest Pass login at the Circulation Desk; a N.C. Driver’s License, or other valid picture ID must be presented before a Guest Pass can be issued for a computer workstation.  Library users under the age of eighteen may not use the library computer workstations unless currently enrolled in a WCC program, therefore having a valid ID and WCC Username for login.

Assistance is available to students having trouble with their WCC Username or Password from the 24/7 IT Helpdesk at 1-877-220-5016.  Students should be aware that records for new student Usernames/Passwords are uploaded to this Helpdesk once a day in the morning, so new students may need to wait until the next day for their information to be available to the Helpdesk staff.

Library computer workstation users must abide by Wayne Community College’s (WCC) Technology Acceptable Use Procedure (TAUP), which includes no spamming, cyber harassment, cyber stalking, conducting activities for financial gain, as well as limited access to social networking and game sites if other users need computers for class related work. Copies of the TAUP is available in print form at the Library Circulation Desk.

To assist library computer users who are challenged with vision loss, computer workstation #10 in the main library area is also equipped with ZoomText Magnifier/Reader as well as JAWS (Job Access With Speech) software.

Wireless Access and Printing

Wireless internet access is freely available to all Erwin Library users and college visitors with no special login required.

Wireless Printing Service is available for use from any internet connected computer or mobile device (use the free PrinterOn App from your device’s app store).

All print jobs are sent to the Erwin Library printer and may be picked up at the Circulation Desk during the library’s regular Hours of Operation.  No login is required; you only need your email address to identify your print job at the Circulation Desk.

Both in-library and wireless print options include printing almost any document or web page, in one of four formats:  black and white single-sided, black and white double-sided (i.e. duplex), color single-sided, or color double-sided (i.e. duplex) format.  WCC faculty, staff and currently enrolled students are not charged for any print costs (make sure to have your WCC ID card with you for verification).  For community patrons, however, a limit of twenty pages per day is imposed.

You may call ahead to make sure that your print job is available for you to pick up by calling the Circulation Desk (919.739.6891).   Use the Wireless Printing Service link on the Erwin Library homepage to find out more, or to initiate your print request.


Library staff will provide a PDF scan for a patron and copy it to the patron’s flash drive, or email it to the patron’s choice of address.  No library patron is charged for these scans.

Reference Service

Library staff members are always happy to provide any help students or faculty may need to search the various databases or paper resources to find a wide variety of information. Interlibrary loan service is free to any requester with a current Erwin Library card, and includes acquiring journal articles as well as books for any research project.

An online Erwin Library Student Guide providing comprehensive introductions to all of the library’s services and resources is available on the Erwin Library webpage, as well as from any WCC user’s Moodle page using the Library Student Guide link in the menu bar at the top of the page.  Also found in this menu bar is a link to the Library Literacy Quiz, which only requires a user’s WCC Moodle login credentials to access, take and receive instant feedback with a final score.

Erwin Reference Librarians conduct face-to-face information literacy training sessions in either the Erwin Library Literacy Lab or in any off-site location on campus by appointment.  The Reference Librarians also conduct library tours in the Erwin Library.

In information literacy sessions, students receive hands-on instruction for searching the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), all research databases to which the Erwin Library subscribes, as well as relevant authoritative internet and paper resources.

Student-led Group Study Sessions

Two options for group study are available:  the fully equipped Literacy Lab which can accommodate up to twenty students, and four Group Study Pods, each of which can accommodate up to eight students.

The Literacy Lab may be reserved by an instructor for either a librarian-led or instructor-led group study session.  Group Study Pods may be reserved by students using the online Student-Led Group/Study Session Reservation form.  Also, either the Literacy Lab or Group Study Pods may be signed up for at the Circulation Desk on a first-come, first-serve basis, if the room is not already reserved for the requested time block.

Each student study group should have one member designated as the “Lead Student,” who will act as the group’s main contact for setting up the session, using his or her name, email and phone number for submitting the online form to reserve a Study Pod for an hour or more on a day that would be convenient for the group to meet.  Just remember to make sure that you have received a confirmation email from an Erwin Reference Librarian before considering your session as completely reserved.  The number of the Study Pod you have on reservation will be assigned to you in that confirmation email by the Reference Librarian.

You may certainly call the Circulation Desk (919.739.6891; ext. 6891 on-campus) later to clarify details or special requests, such as the use of the ceiling mounted projector, and either glass board or whiteboard with markers, to practice your presentations.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

If the Erwin Library does not own a book you need for your research, or an article you need is not available in any of the research databases available from the WCC Library webpage, then you may request the library staff order a copy of the book or article from another library. This library-to-library lending is called Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

All ILL transactions for books and copies of articles are absolutely free to any Erwin Library user who holds a current Erwin library card, with some restrictions, such as in-house use only of ILL materials for community patrons, for all patrons borrowing standard test manuals, or for WCC students should the item cost $100 or more.

It will usually take about two weeks for a book to be mailed to the Erwin Library for you to pick up and use.  Copies of articles in pdf, or temporarily accessible links to them in a database, are usually emailed, which may take a much shorter time, often no more than a business day.  You will be called or emailed by the ILL staff member at the Erwin Library when the book or article is ready for you.

You must present your Erwin Library card when picking up an ILL loan, though you may give your library card to a third person to pick up the item. The requestor is always responsible for the return of the materials in good condition.

If the ILL item is designated as in-house use only, the patron must come to the library in person to use the materials.

Online Databases

The WCC Single Search discovery service now allows Erwin Library users, either on-campus or remotely, to make the most of the library’s ever-evolving collection of electronic, as well as print, resources.  Accessible through this discovery service are nearly thirty thousand video-recordings, as well as hundreds of thousands of electronic books, articles and images from sixty-two research databases in addition to those subscribed to through NC LIVE.

All the research databases and digital video resources are available to any user in the Erwin Library computer lab with no login, and to a user outside of the library with a simple login using his or her Erwin Library barcode.

During hours that the library is open, any patron may call the Library Circulation Desk (919.739.6891, or ext. 6891 on-campus) for help in searching any of the online catalogs or databases, or for aid in placing an online request for books or articles on interlibrary loan. Requests for reference assistance may also always be emailed to

Checkout of Materials

All General Collection books are checked out for a 21-day period and may be renewed online by the patron in the OPAC, or by phone request to the Library Circulation Desk, if the books are not yet overdue, for an additional 21 days.

Though overdue items may not be renewed, they may be checked out again, once they are returned to either the Library Circulation Desk or the blue Library Book Return box in front of the WLC Building, and the account cleared.

Though WCC faculty and staff may have an unlimited number of General Collection books checked out on their accounts, WCC students and community patrons are limited to having only three General Collection books checked out on their accounts.  Faculty are limited to having only three audiovisual titles (a multi-volume set may be considered a single title) checked out on their library accounts.

The only DVDs held by the Erwin Library is now a small collection of North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA) audiovisuals, and though a WCC faculty member may checkout one of these DVDs, a special consideration has been made as well for community patrons, who hold an Erwin Library card and are members of a NCSBA, who may check out DVDs for a one month period (comparable to the one month checkout period for interlibrary loans, as when the DVD is loaned to any other NCSBA member in a county other than Wayne).

Reference items and print periodicals may be used or photocopied only in the library.


Fines are not charged to Erwin Library users.

If, however, either an Erwin Library-owned item or an interlibrary loan item requested for an Erwin Library patron is lost or seriously damaged, the full replacement cost of the item or damages fine assessed by the loaning institution is charged to the patron, with no overdue charges or extra handling charges added by the Erwin Library.

The replacement cost of an item that is overdue more than sixty days will be invoiced to the patron by mail, and a hold placed on any WCC student’s college account until the invoice is paid, or the item is returned in good condition.

No overdue charges are added to the replacement cost paid by a patron for a long overdue, presumed lost item. After the patron’s library account is cleared, college account holds are then removed immediately.

Library Card Application (Confirmation Request)
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
